Dec. 30, 2024

VBB 317: Reflections on 2024, Hope for 2025!

Reflections on 2024, Hope for 2025! Christopher & Heather reflect on the year that was 2024, shoutout Gisèle Pelicot, and look forward to what’s to come in 2025.

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It's that time of year when we all have one foot in the past and one foot stepping into the future, a time to glance in the rearview but with eyes fixed on the horizon.  This episode reflects on some global challenges that captured the world's attention over the past 12 months. At this time of year, it's always fascinating to compare notes on how we interpret and respond to events that we can't control the outcome. We reflect on events that have made the year memorable or one you might want to shred along with last year's calendar. We also honour a list of heroes lost over the past year. Join us in remembering the year that was and celebrating the year's beginning.


Intro [00:00:01]:

Virgin Beauty Podcast: inspiring women to overcome social stereotypes and share unique life experiences without fear of being defiantly different. Your hosts, Christopher and Heather. Let's talk, shall we?


Heather [00:00:20]:

So what do people typically say after a really big meal? You kind of sit there, and you wonder, was that satisfying, or is it just uncomfortable? So I think we should have that attitude when we look back at the year 2024. Was it satisfying or was it just uncomfortable? For each of us, it'll be different. But how does that strike you, Heather? Was it satisfying, or was it just an uncomfortable year?


Heather [00:01:04]:

Oh, well, I mean, there is, I mean, after going through the various years of the pandemic, like every time we're not in the heart of a pandemic, I'm feeling pretty grateful for that, and just, it still blows my mind, you know, being in some places in, in public where you get to converse with someone completely new and not be in a bubble. And it really hit me at this time of year that I, I'm deeply, deeply, deeply grateful that, that we have an opportunity to be communal with, with people again because it's so important for our social health and our overall well being. So, you know, this year clearly is filled with its own struggles, and there are a lot of people who can't make ends meet because of how astronomically high everything from groceries to rent to everything else is going. So there's a lot of people feeling a huge pinch on how to make a go of things and having to reassess how they live and work within their family. So, I don't want to negate that because I think all of us have felt that in our own way. But I've also seen people really rise into a very different and renewed sense of self and done a lot of soul-searching and deep digging in order to recalibrate through the after-effects of the height of the pandemic to what really matters to me now. What am I going to do with these precious days that I have and seeing some of those journeys and people although the struggle is challenging, the growth that comes with what's blooming is something really marvelous to me. So that's just my initial thoughts.


Heather [00:02:55]:

What about you, Christopher?


Christopher [00:02:56]:

No, I'm glad you went there because just this morning, I was thinking that the pandemic, that those years have warped how I view reality. I think you articulated it very, very well. For me, it was like you're living in a warped sense of what was. But it isn't quite the same. And you don't know what this new experience after COVID living your life, what to relate it to because it's all new. I'm not really sure how to articulate that in a way that is, you know, plain English, but everything just seems off. My perception of time seems off, and my involvement in reality seems off. I'm not, not sure how to express that.


Christopher [00:03:53]:

I'm not sure if anyone else is feeling that way. But something just has changed since the pandemic. Something has changed in reality. And I'm not sure, of course, the things you mentioned, the economic spike and things that we have to deal with on a social basis, these things are real. And whether or not we ever get them back to where they were, likely not. We just have to get used to a new paradigm, a new reality. But even as an individual, as one single human being, just the universe seems to have tilted and I'm not really sure of my balance in it at this point, if that makes any sense at all.


Heather [00:04:42]:

No, it makes perfect sense. I couldn't agree with you more. That, and I've, and I see and hear this with other people, that it is a feeling of a warped sense of reality since then. And even in the coming of a new year, you know, you, you. There's a sense of what is on the other side of this because, for so many years, it was how much longer are we going to be in this lockdown or how much longer are we going to be in this isolation and how long is it going to last and is it coming back? So I think that there's a deep unsettling that's happened, and all that time apart has made a very deep impression. I've chatted with so many people that just being around others still doesn't quite feel natural like it used to. So I think what you're saying makes a great deal of sense. And for our listeners, Christopher and I were just having a private conversation prior to this, and we were talking about the holiday season this year and how, in some ways, it feels like it's lost its splendor and that sometimes that can feel real, really disheartening when there's so much hype around this time of year and, and what it means.


Heather [00:06:09]:

But then as we talked about traditions and moments and some of the glimmers of the spirit behind the time of the year, and really that at the heart of it is either traditions that you do for your family and your loved ones that extend that arm of support and warmth and love, or, you know, having a neighbor in for a meal or, you know, seeing someone who maybe you can spread a. A kindness to, or someone gives a kindness to you. And how those little sparks, or those little moments of connection that happen between the fighting with family. It makes a big impact on the magic of the time of the year.


Christopher [00:06:56]:

So, we overlook that, right? We overlook what the real spirit of Christmas is. It's within us. It is not everything that's advertised that we should be wanting or giving or caring about. It's within your heart and what it is you do for yourself and for others. If you can, in that brief period of time where it becomes sacred, and if you can take that into the rest of our days, moving forward, that is where the magic is. That is what the spirit is. And we have the capacity and capability to express that every single day.


Christopher [00:07:50]:

Take away the hype. It's all about you and how you express that part of yourself.


Heather [00:07:57]:

And that, my friend, is a very uplifting and humbling thought and deep knowing. So I appreciate that. But also, on the VBB front, we had quite the year. We had quite a year of diving into the Virgin and the Beauty. And Christopher, I'd love to know, you know, what were some moments of takeaways or something big that you felt really resonated with you or was a big aha moment.


Christopher [00:08:37]:

The big aha was that Heather and I have been doing this podcast now for what, seven years? And the name Virgin Beauty Bitch came to us just as a collection of words. They were really cool words, and when you put them together, they made you go, huh? What? The words make people think. We hear these words all the time. We don't hear them packed together in that tighter frame. Each one of them has some sort of history that we know but don't necessarily talk about all the time. We take them for granted. So, those three words were powerful in their own right. But over time, those words became a philosophy for us. They became something we saw as taking the human condition to a higher level.


Christopher [00:09:42]:

The Virgin. Traditionally, we think of it as people who haven't had sex yet. I. However, it can be a state of living that every day that you do something new is virginal to you. And if you live with that aspect in your mind, life can become very interesting, right? If every day you're a virgin at something. So if that word, that little silly word that people can't wait to get over that hurdle of being a Virgin, can become a philosophy of life. And the same with Beauty and the same with Bitch. These are transformational words if you take the time to really think about them and apply them differently than how they're intended.


Christopher [00:10:36]:

So, for me, it was just now being able to not only have these words but also to have a philosophy and a foundation for living one's life. And that is something that really came clear in these conversations: we're not crazy. We're not the only ones who think this way. Right. There are others out there who have the same ideals and thoughts about these words and how we can apply them to living a very, very positive and exciting life if we choose to. To do so and leave the tradition behind, the negative tradition of these words behind. So, to me, it was more of a big picture. It wasn't about each individual.


Christopher [00:11:26]:

It's more the big picture of this philosophy that is gaining momentum between Heather and me, as how we can now take these words and put them in a way that people see them as positives and see them as something they want to achieve, not necessarily leave behind that?


Heather [00:11:47]:

That is very well said, and it is really, truly. It's something. It's something to see, and it's even something more amazing to feel just how much these three words have shaped my understanding of so much of what women and the feminine have gone through. Personal transformation, collective transformation. So much deep, amazing learning from our guests. And.


Heather [00:12:19]:

And as Christopher said, people who, you know, are on very similar charted territory to what we do on this podcast, to be aligned in the stars with them and walk a path alongside them. So many of you are our listeners, and it's very cool to see the community shaking things up about what these words mean and breaking free of them.


Christopher [00:12:46]:

Yeah. And that's been very exciting. And coming in the future are amazing things that Heather and I see as possibilities, as offerings to welcome even more people into this train of thought, this philosophy.


Heather [00:13:07]:

And if you haven't checked them out, I would super recommend that you go back and look at the different episodes on these, because there's no way to, you know, give them true justice without listening to them. But I definitely had some big aha moments from them this year, and they've really transformed me in massive ways going into 2025. But with the Virgin, we went through all of the different levels of the body, the mind, the heart, and the soul to give space and, awareness and attention to just how confined a woman's sexuality has been for so long. Also, the ways that it's expanded so much today, we have either rejected or moved in their own direction. And ultimately landing at that soul piece that Christopher talked about, the evergreen piece of you that is forever anew, that's just for you, and the ways that you try new things in the world or replenish yourself or see the world in a new way.


Heather [00:14:19]:

The Virgin as an archetype is so strong and evergreen to me. So, just seeing her in that light has been amazing. And then the beauty. I mean, my goodness, all of the. All of the money and all of the attention and all of the evolution of beauty, too. To see, acknowledge, and witness the power of beauty, but also to have a deeper focus on what cultivates that sense of being beautiful within. And some tips and. And suggestions and welcomings for how other people and women can get there was really a great part of that for me and the bitch.


Heather [00:15:07]:

You know, I love the bitch more and more every day because for me, the conversations we had on that it. And I had so many conversations with friends afterward who listened to a couple of those episodes there are so many women, because of our collective psychology and what it's meant for survival in the past, that are absolutely petrified of conflict and will do anything to avoid it. They'll fawn, they'll freeze, they'll fly. But to truly confront it and to sit in conflict is a very scary thing. This leads to a lot of women not standing for their boundaries or for what they truly want or deserve or need. So, you know, the episodes on cultivating comfortability in conflict and having a deeper sense of what healthy conflict looks like as inevitable.


Heather [00:16:13]:

It's so strengthening to think of what's possible once you face the reasons why you're scared and learn to be comfortable over time in conflict. I mean, those episodes were truly something else. And we're looking forward to providing our audience with some tools in order to take that journey for themselves in 2025.


Christopher [00:16:46]:

Absolutely. That is something I'm very excited to work on with you and get a package together that we can share with those who know their potential is exponential but, for whatever reason, are afraid to express and reach for it fully. So, that's definitely something I'm excited about for 2025.


Heather [00:17:18]:

Me too. Absolutely. Yeah. The wheels are on, so you know that as it continues to shape up. I get more and more excited about what that's going to look like.


Christopher [00:17:34]:

Fantastic. So outside of, outside of vbb, what, what in the world caught your attention, caught your ire? This past year?


Heather [00:17:45]:

I'm gonna go on a positive note because I've always loved basketball, and to see the WNBA taken off in the way that it is is so exciting to me. I think that when I think back to when I was in school and if I had seen it as a more viable career path, I think I would have really gone two feet in on that. So, to know that that's something that young girls can see for themselves in their role models, and it's just so uplifting to me. So, you know, I'm getting in on all the juicy tea on the different players and you know, Toronto's gon its own WNBA team. So I'm so excited to check out some games there, and yeah, for Christmas, I got a basketball. So I'm gonna go right there's a place where I can go shoot some hoops near my house, and I'm gonna check out a women's rec league and to just. I'm, I'm really excited about that. Like to me it's, it's one element of how women are, are reaching new heights and, and kind of breaking through some glass ceilings and, and all of the things that people have said in the past, you know, not being true like for so long, it's that women in sports wouldn't bring in enough money and those, that, that false narrative, it just continues to be more and more knocked, knocked down and knocked aside.


Heather [00:19:28]:

So that's what I really love this year.


Christopher [00:19:32]:

Thank you, Caitlin Clark, for turning my partner into a basketball fanatic. Thank you! Basketball was the first thing in my life that I said I can do this. It was the first solid ground of self-belief. It came in going out to the park by myself and shooting a basketball, not knowing anything about the game, but loving it for some reason. So to hear my partner now, wow, this is so cool.


Heather [00:20:11]:

That is so cool. I didn't know that about you, Christopher. I know you love the game, but that's really cool to hear how much it meant to you growing up.


Christopher [00:20:20]:

Yeah, it was everything. It was everything. My first connection. It wasn't until high school that I really got into the game, but barely a week of my life would go by Where I didn't play somewhere. So to have you on that, on that court, that is so cool.


Heather [00:20:45]:

All right. Next time we're in town, you're gonna have to show me your skills. I gotta see you in action, Christopher. I need to learn some moves. Very cool.


Christopher [00:20:53]:

That's very cool. So when I broached this topic, I thought for sure, knowing you and having conversations in the past, you would go straight to elections that happened in 2024. And maybe it was the fact that a woman, for the first time, was elected to be president of Mexico. Was that what you were thinking? No. No. How about. How about. How about Vladimir Putin being re. Elected in.


Christopher [00:21:29]:

No, that wasn't it.


Heather [00:21:39]:

I wonder what was top of mind? But I'm loving these ones coming up as well.


Christopher [00:21:45]:

It's interesting to see Time magazine bow down to Person of the Year and make that Mr. Trump himself. That was quiet; I don't know if it was shocking necessarily; maybe just disappointing would be the word for me.


Heather [00:22:07]:

Oh, yeah. Disappointing is certainly a good word. Gosh, it's really something to see a person like Kamala Harris in the running so polished. So, I mean, like, her integrity, the way that she wants to build people up, see communities, work together, what she stood for in the context of the global world. It just seems to me that America wanted the big bully on the street who doesn't play by the rules and never wanted to play by the rules. And they chose. They chose what they thought having a big player in the international scene and also someone who promises to make their life more affordable.


Heather [00:23:15]:

And, you know, I think that Christopher and I have had these conversations about having a woman as the president of the United States and a racialized woman; I can't wait to see that day. I hope I get to see that day in my lifetime. It's disheartening that this was not the time to do it or the time that it happened. But I have to believe, and I do believe that every time someone is in a position to run like Kamala did, that we're getting closer to that being a reality. And as you said, many other countries around the world, that already being a reality, and that each one of those experiences, whether, you know, not to, you know, negate how important those roles are, but every time we break through in women in sports, women in politics, women stepping into their potential and what they want their life to be, that, that each one of those is making, making a, a contribution to progress.


Christopher [00:24:22]:

Well said. It takes time and it takes the right moment in time for this to be a reality. America right now is wounded; it's in pain. And I believe they wanted something representing them that, I don't know, I don't know if it's necessarily to remedy their pain, but something that they felt was a stick, not a carrot. For whatever reason, they needed that kind of strength to represent their pain. Now, I'm not a philosopher, and I'm not a politician. This is just my observation of the ebb and flow of how America has been.


Christopher [00:25:15]:

It went from the stick back to a carrot. Now, it needs a stick again for its own well-being or its own ego, whatever it might be. The timing wasn't necessarily right at this point for them to advance to have a woman as their representation around the world. Time!


Heather [00:25:42]:

Maybe we'll see her run again. You know, one of the things she said in her concession speech was now is not the time to throw your hands in the air. It's time to roll our sleeves up and continue to, as we started the show, be what we want to see in the world. And while there are many setbacks, it feels like there's also progress. You know, I do want to give light to Giselle Pellico, who won her case in France. Yes, that, that bravery, that courage, that strength, and her one line of saying shame needs to switch sides.


Heather [00:26:30]:

I mean, these people are truly reshaping the world. And so, you know, piece by piece, there's a lot to hold on to and to, and to see strength and power in the direction of progress.


Christopher [00:26:48]:

I'm really happy that you brought that up because I would like people, if they know what that whole case was about and her experience. I want you to look at that and really investigate how you feel about her. Do you think she is a hero, or do you think she's a bitch? And really think about that because those two things aren't mutually exclusive. She had to be in a way that is contrary to how we believe women should be in order for her to find whatever it took inside of her to bring her case to a global audience. Can you imagine what this woman must have inside of her to make what she has gone through into a global news story? I can not imagine. And a lot of people will think, what a bitch. If that's you, then you've got to understand the other half of the world is thinking, wow, what a hero this woman is. So when we talk about the bitch, these things are not mutually exclusive from each other.


Christopher [00:28:13]:

They're the same person. It's your perspective on their actions that makes them one or the other. I'm really happy that you brought that up because I think it really illustrates how we see this word and how we want this word to be framed moving forward.


Heather [00:28:34]:

Yeah, that's a good connection to the work that we. We just did on diving a little deeper into the Bitch. All of her fortitude to stand her ground. And I think for so long, shame has kept women so silent, and for good reason of not thinking that their case will go their way or not wanting the perception or knowledge of others to know what happened to you. So that's why her words just ring so strong for me. It's time that shame switched sides. It just feels like she's really done a lot of intense work in order to repel that she should feel shameful for what happened and that it should be the people who abused her that feel the shame.


Christopher [00:29:27]:

That's been the shackles for so long. We flip the script on those who come forward, and then others who see that don't want to come forward because they know or feel that that could happen to them. So that's what I'm talking about. The. The. The courage, and fortitude of this woman is remarkable, absolutely remarkable.


Christopher [00:29:56]:

And we. If we. If we look back on 2024 for anything, it's to think of that and that we each. Each one of us has that within us. But what does it take for it to rise to the surface where we can cut through that shame? We can cut through what it is others put on us or how they view us, how they, you know, want us to appear in public and know that our truth is beyond, that it's stronger than that, and that it will prevail inevitably. I cannot. I cannot tell you how stoked I am about her story.


Heather [00:30:42]:

Oh, gosh, I couldn't agree more, Christopher. And, you know, you said flip the script, right? And. And I think that that is exactly what we do with these words, and what we do on this show is to flip the script from what we've been instructed to believe and go with the authentic truth of ourselves.


Christopher [00:31:03]:

Exactly. Other events of the year are pretty depressing. I mean, war and pestilence and everything. Then Came Taylor Swift.


Heather [00:31:19]:

The juxtaposition. My goodness. Oh, boy.


Christopher [00:31:27]:

Right. I mean, she was definitely the talk of the year. She had the people on different sides of the opinions of whether or not she's over, you know, overexposed or not exposed enough. So that was very interesting to observe. Having been a former member of the music industry and knowing what goes on behind the scenes, it really warmed my heart to have someone like her be at the absolute forefront. Right on the leading edge of the industry and what it can be again for people, for women.


Christopher [00:32:13]:

That was remarkable to see.


Heather [00:32:15]:

It really is something to witness, you know, from everything to how she's reclaimed her. Her voice for issues that matter to her social justice issues. The fact that she went ahead and endorsed someone for president, Kamala for president. The ways that she doesn't hold back in wanting to fight the patriarchy. She says f*ck the patriarchy in her concerts and her songs. And you know, I didn't go to an Eras concert, but I did have friends who went, and some went a couple times. I'm not a super fan like a lot of other people are, but as you said, Christopher, I appreciate that someone like her, who's bold and true to herself and that there was a journey for her to get there, has influenced so many women to feel that they can do the same.


Heather [00:33:17]:

That's very powerful to me.


Christopher [00:33:21]:

That is a groundswell. Where it goes and what it will produce in the future will be very interesting to see. Very interesting to see.


Heather [00:33:36]:

I was just thinking as you were saying that because she was a person of the year last year, was she not?


Christopher [00:33:41]:

Was she? I don't recall. I'll have to look that up again.


Heather [00:33:44]:

It was either last year or the year before, but what a. What a. To have those two side by side, sworn, sworn enemies again.


Christopher [00:33:55]:

Yeah. Carrot stick. Carrot stick. Right.


Heather [00:34:02]:

I also don't want to, you know, end this show without saying, you know, I know you touched on it, Christopher, but what so many are going through with loved ones in wars and the wiping out of civilizations. My heart bleeds with these families and anyone who's lost a loved one. I do hope for better days next year and for us here in Canada to find community and to find love, to bring people together and not succumb to hatred.


Christopher [00:34:51]:

That's the thing about wars that we overlook. It's not just an area in an area in the world. It's like throwing a rock into a still pond. The waves just move out further and further and further and damage so much between friends, between family, between ethnic groups, between pretty much everyone. That's the. That's really the cancer of it. It is not just the event on the ground.


Christopher [00:35:35]:

It's far beyond that and far-reaching. The only good thing about war is that, inevitably, it has to end. It has to come to an end at some point. None of us want it to be tomorrow. We want it to be today. But it will end. If there's anything to look forward to in 2025, it is the end of these conflicts. These lives are lost, and the damage it does psychologically to an entire planet. That has to end.


Heather [00:36:13]:

And, and to keep pushing to that end.


Christopher [00:36:18]:

Before we leave, I want to acknowledge the people that we lost in 2024. They were names that we all know in some way or another. Do you remember David Soul? Starsky and Hutch?


Heather [00:36:42]:

Yeah. Wow. The OGs.


Christopher [00:36:49]:

Do you remember Dame Maggie Smith, Harry Potter films, and years and years as an actor and actress? James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader. Donald Sutherland, Canadian actor. Dr. Ruth Wesheimer, the sex doctor.


Heather [00:37:15]:

Right. Dr. Ruth. He was rocking it before. Rocking it was a thing.


Christopher [00:37:21]:



Heather [00:37:22]:

Carving the way.


Christopher [00:37:24]:

Ask Dr. Ruth, one of my heroes.


Heather [00:37:26]:

Boy, did she ever get some questions?


Christopher [00:37:28]:

Absolutely, yes. And did she have some answers?


Heather [00:37:32]:

Oh, boy. Totally. A hero for me, too.


Christopher [00:37:35]:

One of my heroes, Quincy Jones, was a giant in the music industry. Ask Frank Sinatra. Ask Michael Jackson about Quincy Jones and his talents. We lost him. Kris Kristofferson also. And for sports fans, Willie Mays, the Say, hey, kid. The Hall of Fame center fielder Willie Mays also passed this past year.


Christopher [00:38:08]:

Obviously, there are many, many more. And a lot of people have personal heroes that have, you know, left our presence in 2024. And to all of them, prayers. And here we go into 2025.


Heather [00:38:27]:

Here we go into 2025.


Christopher [00:38:30]:

Any focus for you?


Heather [00:38:33]:

I have done a lot of work this year to, you know, we get. I feel grateful that I get the benefits of going to counseling and therapy. And I found an amazing therapist. I think it's important to talk about because I think it helps so many people. Yeah, I mean,the internal healing work that happened this year was so meaningful to me that now I'm kind of taking what I've learned and setting a trajectory on that. A healthy sense of self, healthy attachment, and healthy awareness around relationships and contributions, and I'm really bringing that into 2025.


Heather [00:39:20]:

So it might sound simple, but it's, it's. I'm now really excited to be applying these things that I've learned this year.


Christopher [00:39:30]:

Okay, let's make a pledge here.


Heather [00:39:32]:



Christopher [00:39:33]:

These topics that you just brought up, you're not the only one, obviously, who is engrossed in self-care, self-development, self-growth. So our pledge is that our guest list for 2025 will include experts, individuals who have experience in these fields, and we'll bring them to our platform and share some of that knowledge for the achievement of these goals.


Heather [00:40:08]:

I think that sounds absolutely beautiful. I, I take that pledge.


Christopher [00:40:13]:



Heather [00:40:14]:

Here in the flesh.


Christopher [00:40:15]:

You got it?


Heather [00:40:16]:

Okay, we got it.


Christopher [00:40:17]:

All right. So, we invite those listening to join us and to give us their feedback on how we can be of service to this pledge of self-advancement into 2025.


Heather [00:40:37]:

Unlocking full potential.


Christopher [00:40:39]:

Sounds good.


Heather [00:40:40]:

Sounds so good. I'm hyped. I'm hyped in a way that I didn't before.


Christopher [00:40:49]:

So, for me, it's always. I've been struggling with digestive health for a long time. So, for me, 2025 is pursuing different, you know, different people's remedies of how to work with this. So that's my goal for 2025. It's to finally break free of having one part of my body control all the rest of my body.


Heather [00:41:20]:

It sounds like we're going to have to have some people who can, you know, shed some light on that on our show as well for the Mind, Body, Soul wraparound.


Christopher [00:41:28]:

Yeah, I just, I just sent an invitation to a woman who's famously known as The Poop Doctor.


Heather [00:41:37]:

That's amazing.


Christopher [00:41:45]:

So it'll be an interesting year.


Heather [00:41:47]:

So good on her. Interesting.


Christopher [00:41:50]:

It'll be an interesting year for sure. So, I hope everyone will share with us what their thoughts are, where we're at, and where we're they are going. That would be very cool.


Heather [00:42:01]:

Very cool. Well, here's to 2025, Christopher, and making these pledges come to life.


Christopher [00:42:09]:

Absolutely. It's been an amazing many years that we've been doing this, and I am so heartened that we're both so giddy about the future and what we can create together. So I cannot appreciate that the sea isn't wide enough to show my appreciation for that.


Heather [00:42:40]:

Thank you, Christopher. And I feel the same. You know, it's going to get lovey-dovey in here audience, but Christopher is just an absolutely wonderful human being, a wonderful man. He has a voice like butter. I know that you all love listening to him, but he's so thoughtful in everything he does and everything he contributes. So it's a joy to know him, to work with you and to evolve with you. So thank you for everything you give to this because it's the true joy of my life.


Christopher [00:43:17]:

And for anyone who does not know Heather in her spare time, she plays Wonder Woman because she has the kind of power, strength, and fortitude. That behind, beside, or ahead of every good man is a Wonder Woman. So we cannot thank you enough. We'd love to hear from you. This is our joy. This is our passion. This is something that we do because we love it so much. So, if you are part of this, we'd love to hear from you. It would warm our hearts to hear from you.


Christopher [00:44:00]:

Our website is easy, There, you can leave a voicemail. You can leave whatever you want. However you want to reach us, you have access to us there.


Heather [00:44:13]:

Until then, we'd love to hear what people are working on or thinking for 2025. So we look forward to hearing from you.


Christopher [00:44:21]:

That'd be fantastic. Until then, you have been listening to.


Heather [00:44:24]:

The Virgin, the Beauty, and the With Fortitude.


Christopher [00:44:29]:

So, Happy New Year 2025. You don't know what you're in for.

To become a partner in the VBB community, we invite you to find Like us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and share us with people who are defiantly different like you. Until next time, thanks for listening.