Women face a unique set of financial challenges. Women have more hidden costs in their daily lives, like the pink tax, and the potential for more financial setbacks in the future, including the gender pay gap. Around the globe, women are generally...
Women face a unique set of financial challenges. Women have more hidden costs in their daily lives, like the pink tax, and the potential for more financial setbacks in the future, including the gender pay gap. Around the globe, women are generally less educated about personal finance – partly due to perceptions that finance is a "man's issue." This week we welcome Mariska Reinerink, Certified Behavioural Money Coach, Holistic Financial Planner, and Founder of MONEY WELLNESS. Mariska combined her finance and healthcare expertise into the Money Wellness approach that helps her clients transform their money story into one of freedom and confidence! "As a Financial Advisor and Certified Behavioural Money Coach, I not only help people figure out their finances and come up with financial and cash flow plans, but I also help people redefine their relationship with money."