Body Positive Pin-Up Culture! True North Pin Up Magazine hopes to revolutionize and empower women through body positivity, connection, and authentic self-expression. Meet co-founder Keri Looijen.
Self-Expression vs. Objectification: VBB navigates the fine line between self-expression and objectification, a powerful discussion that picks up where WNBA Basketball star Angel Reese's controversial New Year outfit left off.
Is Bitch An Insult Or Inspiration? Bitch being used as an inspiration sounds counterintuitive, very contrary to how people have been conditioned to apply a word, which for centuries has been used as an insult keeping women in a subservient place in society. Jamie Louise Madigan became...
Do Women Define Bitch, Or Visa Versa? We take on the bitch with help from Author, Coach, and Teacher Gina Cloud, who shares how women can reclaim a word that has dogged womanhood for centuries.
Turning Pain Into Purpose! Sophia Diaz is an indomitable spirit with a multifaceted entertainment career and a woman who faced betrayal, violence, and near death.
Season Of The Witch: In a world that prefers its women pretty and silent, the unapologetically complex and dynamic female witch has suffered ridicule, torture, and fiery death. But are modern women like Rissa Miller reshaping the image and popularity of the witch?
Janice Selbie on Divorcing Religion! What must it take for a woman to decide to divorce her religion after 40 years as a devout fundamentalist Evangelical Christian? In this episode, Janice Selbie, Founder of Divorcing Religion, takes us on her deepest, darkest journey into a new light.
Creating Confidence With Style!. Jen Auh, founder at Style Konsult & STYiLES, joins us to discuss why finding your personal style is an advantage we can’t afford to overlook or ignore.
The Modern Woman’s Ideal Man never needs to invest energy in trying to prove how strong, manly, masculine, macho, or heroic the can be. But what are the qualities the modern woman appreciates most? Join the conversation.
Temi Ajibewa is a visionary, an expert monetization coach, and the founder of the Millionaire Housewife Academy. The academy empowers stay-at-home women with the education, tools, and opportunities they need to be mentally and financially independent. Temi shares her journey of breaking free from f…
It used to be that living together was confirmation of true love, but some women aren't sold on cohabiting as proof of commitment. They prefer the independence of LAT (Live-Apart-Together) relationships. Vicki Larson writes on the topic for publications like HuffPost and Medium and has a new book, …
Darlene Lancer wrote the books on codependency—literally. Titles include Codependency for Dummies and Conquering Shame and Codependency. She has over 30 years of codependency counseling experience and has helped countless women and men recover from the trauma of codependency. Click play and Meet Da…
How many people, instead of trading time for money or feeling trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of reacting to life's responsibilities, would love to be living their life purpose? But what would you trade to live such a privilege?
Woke Feminism! We welcome a compelling conversation with a YouTube content creator known by her pseudonym, Baggage Claim, about what ‘Woke Feminism' is and how it impacts society or you as a woman or man.
Laurin Mayeno wrote a children's book to help nonbinary children like her own escape the loneliness, isolation, and mistreatment she felt as a minority. Shortly after the book's release, it was banned in schools for being age-appropriate. Laurin's question is why.