Women Who Dominate And Their Message! In 2024, women dominated recording sales and mopped up at the Grammy Awards, but these women also came with messages to change the world.
Reflections on 2024, Hope for 2025! Christopher & Heather reflect on the year that was 2024, shoutout Gisèle Pelicot, and look forward to what’s to come in 2025.
What is Beauty? The male gender has assumed beauty to be the responsibility and the dominion of the female gender, but is Beauty a woman’s prime property, or has it become her gilded prison?
Bald Beauty? I Felt Like An Alien! When Beth Hildbrand decided to shave her head after chemotherapy left her little choice, she wasn't prepared for the person she saw in the mirror.
Inside You Is Where Eternal Beauty Comes From. Barbara McBean should know. She once competed in the Miss Universe Pageant. She didn’t win, but Barbara is winning in life. As the Founder and President of Eternal Beauty Institutes, her philosophy will encourage you to view beauty through a lens of p…
The Evolution of Beauty is a book by Professor of Ornithology Richard Prum, in which he revisits Darwin's other theory — sexual selection. A theory that validates or vindicates choosing a partner not for what's in his genes but for other beauty aesthetics like, maybe, how he wears his jeans.
Beauty's Myth is Beauty assigned by man as the dominion of woman, but is Beauty her paradise or her prison?
Virgin Redefined is an openhearted review of a Four-Part series dedicated to exploring the social phenomenon known as the Virgin. We rewind conversations with renowned writers, professors, and topic specialists and explore how the virgin has impacted the lives of young women and girls on a physical…
Virgin Spirit is part four of VBB’s four-episode exploration of the meaning of the first word in our podcast title: Virgin. Past episodes explored the Virgin as something physical, moral, and emotional. In this episode, we take the leap of faith and talk with three authors about the Virgin as a wo…
Virgin Heart: Welcome to part three of our four-part conversation on virginity's lasting impact on the lives of women. Good question: what can a grown, experienced woman possibly learn from talking about virginity? To that, we ask, as a woman, how many times have you been made to feel dirty, devian…
Welcome to episode two of our four-part conversation on Virginity and its lasting impact on women's lives. This week, we shift from what's between a woman's legs determining Virginity to what's placed between her ears that impacts her virtue and...