Once upon a long time ago, at the dawn of humanity, when sticks and stones were the only weapons of survival in a hostile kingdom with savage beasts, men became hunters of those wild beasts as women became gatherers of low-hanging fruit. Triumphant …
Even if you're not a person impressed by statistics or moved by numbers, these numbers should make men pause and make women frightened: 1 in 4 women are victims of physical violence by an intimate partner, 20 women per minute are physically abused b…
2020, the entire planet was Closed For Business following the pandemonium of the pandemic. Still, the heartbeat of life carried on, be it behind closed doors. In November of that year, VBB Podcast hosted four conversations with individual women on a…
What do you do with all that pain? I wonder if a single day goes by in the life of any human being anywhere on earth that is not stained by some form of pain or suffering. As babies, not a single one of us is born with a survival handbook, but insti…
As babies, each one of us was born pure as a snowflake descending from heaven's bosom. We had all the potential under the sun to be or become anything humanly possible. So how do we go from feeling limitless to saying to ourselves, I'm not good enou…
Do you remember how old you were when you first heard this rhyme: What are little boys made of Snips & snails & puppy dogs' tails Tha…
Women can be smart or pretty, never both. Is it truth or fallacy? A fallacy is an old-school way of saying fake news. It can be something that, on the surface, might sound like an irrefutable truth but, upon closer scrutiny, is fraudulent. But, just…
She was the World's Ugliest Woman. Have you ever heard the name Mary Ann Bevan? At one stage in her life, Mary was officially the Ugliest Woman in the World, and it wasn't just having a bad hair day or feeling sorry-for-myself self-talk. Mary was bo…